Here's one from yesterday's attempts on the same problem. Instead of matching on the bad gaston in the picture, Bryan threw out right to the sidepull on the face--a huge move which he styled on his first attempt with that beta. This problem is notoriously pumpy, and had Bryan tried that move the first time (before the dreaded pump set in) he would have sent undoubtedly.
Lastly, here are two old pictures that give you a perspective on "Jagged Edge," Eric O.'s problem that I finally sent yesterday. You start on the flake I'm staning in front of, go up to a sloper, cross to a crimp, then a big move to a crimp right by the arete. Then throw for the bad sloper at the first break on the arete, match and move up and out.

Here's the landing on the Jagged Edge:

Thanks again for the spots.
Is that the one we rigged the top-rope over awhile back during the adopt-a-crag?
thats the one. this version heads right off the same crimp scott was dynoing off of. The direct version will include the dyno. there's also a possible line going off to the left over two huge boulders. should be interesting.
Have you checked out the actual state park at Lake Brownwood? There's bound to be more rock around that lake.
No, i havent but im sure there is. When the lake was down a few weeks ago we could see other bluffs over the water, which means there probably is more
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