Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Since Thursday, the weather has been pretty lousy (although its been great in general recently, so I cant complain). So lately, I've been doing a lot of this...

And dreaming of this...


Adayak said...

Do they actually sell those or did you make it?

eric said...

The hangboard (the green deal) is the metolious simulator. The plywood and 2x4's allowed me to screw into the studs instead of the drywall above the door

colt 45 said...

Sounds a little like "cabin fever" to me...but we make do. I have a picture from last summer's Alpinist that I'll have to show you: some guy "dry-tooling" in his basement.

Lynne Gentry said...

Is your wife going to let you nail something like that to the wall in your new place?

eric said...

she better!