Lindsey and I rolled into Abilene on Wednesday night, coming back early to take the GRE test on thursday and go to Brownwood on Friday. We had a great day at Brownwood, warming up on some moderates and then working projects.

Lindsey decided to spend some time working on Scott's Problem, which is one of the best at brownwood. On my last trip to Brownwood with Bryan, I started to work a project left of Scott's Problem with a dynamic stab into a vertical pocket and pretty big dyno. Lindsey spotted me and recorded some footage on the project which i'll try to edit and get on here. She also linked through the first moves of Scott's Problem falling off one of the slopers over the lip on her best go.
The pocket of doom.
Although i didn't send friday, I finally determined a sequence that may get me over the slopey lip encounter, and so I convinced Bryan to head out with me on Saturday. In true best friend style, Bryan worked Scott's Problem so that I could try my project.
At first the moves the top out still felt impossible, but after a slight foot adjustment i was able to rock over and scramble up the steep slab. We're calling it Stab Wound. I'm not sure how hard it is, i hope it sees some more traffic.
Towards the end of the day, we walked back to the entrance and did a cool dyno problem that Scott C. opened up about a year ago. (Pictured at the top). I also did a slightly different variation to the left.
Well, I've been thinking about putting together a pdf guidebook for Brownwood, so here's my first attempt below. I used Paint, which was terrible. Anybody know of any good programs to use? free programs?
1 comment:
Paint works fine for exactly what you used it for. The hardest part is putting together a top down overview for all the boulders and walls. For the CE book I used Adobe Illustrator for the CE book to the top down stuff.
Put everything together in Word or something similar to produce a basic guide. Converting the file to PDF isn't too hard.
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