Lindsey, Tyler and I headed down to E-Rock this weekend for the annual Granite Gripper. We ate some schnitzel in Fredricksburg, and met up with Scott C. from Camp Eagle at the park friday night. The comp started at 9 saturday morning, after the rules were distributed at the pavilion. Here's Tyler and I right before we dashed to the Dairy Farm Boulders.

At the Dairy Farm, Eric O. from Fredricksburg, Scott and I put in some work on
Frogratron Direct (V5), and Eric O. was able to dispense of the problem quickly. I failed on the direct version, but did send
Frogatron Right (v4). Here is Scott working the direct problem and Eric on his send.

Tyler worked a V2 in the Dairy Farm, but fell near the top several times. He could have sent with a little more time. He's pictured below on the problem.

I've been "jonesing" to try
The Prow (v6), since watching Scott C. try it last year on another trip. Eric o. dispatched the problem on his second go. I was shut down several times. Took a rest and came back and fell off the last jug. Realizing I may actually be able to send, i took a short rest and sent on my next go. One of the harder problems I have ever done. pictured below.

After topping out (with mild celebration) I realized i had torn a deep flapper on the pad of my middle finger. My celebration turned to devastation--but with a serious taping I was able to keep climbing. I left quite a bit of blood on the right crimp, which I'll admit was pretty awesome.

We then tried
Texas Blowfish (v5), a great slopy rail to a horrendous topout. Scott C. tried the problem last year, and sent on his second go this weekend. Here is Scott C. on his send.

I didn't send, but this picture is cool. So I'll shamelessly post it.

After Tyler sent a high slabby v1 at the Ding Dongs area, we all tried
Rombatron (v4), but Eric O. was the only one to send. pictured below.

Tyler then tried
Idaho (v2), but the high crimps proved too devious to be mastered.

With about three hours left before time expired, we hiked to the BURBs area to try
Albacross (v5), and
The BURBs (v4), and nobody sent either. But alas, in a last ditch effort to save face after the long hike, Tyler, Scott and I all climbed
Albacore (v2), which required creative padding (i.e. holding back the unruly bushes). pictured below.

As time expired, Scott and I knew neither of us had a scorcard worthy of entry, so we hiked over to the Kingdom of Zilch area to climbed Zanzibar (v2), Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (v4) and Louie (v4). I'll admit, I love a good arete, and Louie is one of the best I've climbed. pictured below.
Tyler placed third in his category, and won a chalk bag. Well done cuz. All in all, the comp was a great time, and I plan to return with vengeance next year.
Lastly, here's my beautiful photographer and pack mule, Lindsey, who tirelessly supported us all day.